Wednesday 6 April 2011

Are you social media savvy?

Social media has been the industry buzz word for some time now and it seems it is here to stay.

Amongst the mass of options available are you asking yourself: “What do I want from it?” “How will my business benefit from it?” “Which forum is for me?” “Are my customers/ competitors using it?”

Amongst the mass of options available are you asking yourself: “What do I want from it?” “How will my business benefit from it?” “Which forum is for me?” “Are my customers/ competitors using it?”

There are so many platforms to choose from, it is important to select the right ones.
See how many you recognise.


Social networks are fundamentally shaping the way customers interact with brands in the modern age. They are changing the way we promote products and influencing how the market evolves.

A common misconception is that social networking is just for individuals; but B2B is now also catching onto the current trend and businesses are understanding how important it is.

Ask yourself this: Is your business making the most of the internet to promote its brand and engage with its customers?

More businesses than ever are developing their presence online through social networks. You need to choose your weapon correctly and having a presence online requires some effort but should not distract you from developing your business offline.

The online landscape changes continually, Myspace lost 10 million members in February and a total of 50 million were lost over a year. Twitter took 5 years to establish itself and has been growing at an amazing rate.

So, are your target audience sitting on Twitter or Facebook all day looking for your services? The answer is probably no, but what social networks can do is allow interaction, assist you in developing your brand and identity and raise your profile. It puts your brand in the forefront of the customers mind for when they do need you. You can position yourself as an expert, provide amazing customer service levels and be at the top of your game.

Having an online presence is compulsory these days, but it should go hand in hand with a fully integrated marketing approach. Social media marketing should be partnered with a strong brand strategy, both online and offline.

1 comment:

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