Wednesday 6 April 2011

Are you going to be the next big thing on Youtube?

Lately we have been thinking a lot about viral videos in the office.

Success stories propelling unknown brands and individuals alike to online stardom have impacted dramatically on the rapid development of online video content websites such as Youtube and Vimeo.

There is a lot of video content out there, in November 2010, 35 hours of video were uploaded every minute on Youtube.

So, how do you stand out from the crowd? What transforms a good viral campaign to one with millions of viewers? Is this a profitable route for your business? How can you turn viewers into potential customers?

Creating a viral can be a great way to increase exposure, get your brand name out there and generate traffic to your website.

One of our favourite example is:

Started in 2007, it presents a very successful series of infomercials gone viral, promoting Blendtec’s powerful blender

What is important with online video is the need to manage expectations when it comes to the success of your YouTube content.

Are all the viewers potential buyers? A successful viral campaign does not necessarily generate sales. It might lead to it eventually.

Having a great video is not a guarantee for success. There is a need for a promotion and distribution plan.

If you want to use video to promote your brand, your product, your service, you need to be very clear about your objectives, have set targets and work towards them with rigour.

A strategic approach is just as important as the content if not more.

A few points to consider before going viral:

1) Have realistic expectations

2) Think about your target audience

3) Create an angle. Edgy, surprising, funny, original, sexy or emotional?

4) Set objectives. More traffic to your website? Raise awareness of your brand?

5) Develop a strategic promotional plan

6) Have fun with it!

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