Wednesday 1 September 2010

Thursday 22 July 2010

Whale create graphics for climbing wall!!!

Whale Marketing created the graphics for The North Face climbing wall to launch their new London store earlier this month. A fun and exciting day for all of those who took part. Its just ashame whales can't climb!

Friday 26 March 2010

A week of networking for Whale!

We’ve all has a busy networking week, attending events across the North West...

Hannah - Woman in Property Students Awards, Steelcase Solutions

“As with all WIP events there was a great attendance from both those already in the industry and those at the start of their career. First time at Steelcase Solutions; a quirky and unusual venue which made for interesting networking!”

Kevin - Manchester’s Creative and Media Industries AGM, Manchester City FC

“The first annual Creative and Media Industries AGM was held at Manchester City Football Club. Speakers from the film, TV, radio, marketing, print, gaming and web industries voiced their opinions and predications for the creative world. Looking forward to regular events in order to catch up and network with likeminded people!”

Kirsty - Faculty for the Built Environment (FBE) breakfast meeting, Freemasons Hall

“The event showcased the Co- Operatives new Headquarters which are being built later on this year. At 500,000 square feet, the base, once completed, will be Manchester’s largest commercial office. FBE held the event over several rooms in the Freemasons Hall, highly effective for networking!”

Laura - Coach to Deliver’s, Steelcase Solutions

“With the title, “Just get on with it and Jackie Chan meets Carl Jung,” I was intrigued by this event! I was not disappointed, Martin Gibbons from People Maps discussed understanding personality in business through the use of Tai Chi...a memorable networking event to say the least.”

Friday 19 March 2010

Any clues...?!

The Whale Pod have no ideas as to what is going on in this clip...

However very cute and entertaining on a Friday afternoon!

Take a quick look at this!

Thursday 18 March 2010

Intergen move forward

Intergen CIC is an intergenerational partnership which brings younger and older people together. Intergen CIC volunteers spend time working with children in schools within their local area.

The charity was initially established in Trafford, Manchester, however they have recently secured four more regions to run the programme. The vision is to establish Intergen CIC across the UK and bring old and young people together in communities up and down the country.

In order to do this, Intergen CIC needed to formalise their standards, their “housekeeping” so that the brand is communicated effectively. The brief to Whale was a “Starter Pack” to give newly recruited Intergen CIC Coordinators everything they need to establish Intergen in their area. We worked closely with the charities founder, Professor Norma Raynes, to create all the items, documents and procedures that the Coordinator would need.

Whale then set off writing the copy for the Starter Pack as well as creating a portfolio of branded tools and documents which could be used to promote Intergen CIC to Head teachers, to recruit new volunteers and to communicate the Intergen CIC brand. This included power point presentation, a leaflet titled “The Vision and a set of artwork templates for promotions leaflets, standard documents, posters, certificates etc

The end result was a coherent Pack to help Coordinators to confidently set up an Intergen CIC in their local area.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

The benefits of E-Zines

“The recession has changed the way people and businesses buy for example searching on line, determined to find the optimum price,” said Hannah Whale, Whale’s Managing Director. “Now the economy is picking up companies need to adapt to this new way of consumer behaviour in order to survive.”

“Whatever the chosen marketing method, it has to be integrated,” continued Hannah, “A great solution to revamping old and new literature is the e brochure. Literature printed before the recession can be amended and created into a digital online “magazine” at a relatively low cost.”

Whale Marketing have recently recreated a portfolio of Peel Holdings property brochures (also created by Whale) into E-brochures.

Cost is not the only benefit of this tactic,” continued Hannah. “If the brochures are uploaded onto your website, it has a positive impact on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as is seen as additional content by the likes of Google, MSN and BING, all directing targeted traffic to your site. Return on Investment can also be monitored through Google Analytics. The “green” benefits should also not be overlooked. E-zines often have a wider distribution because they are cheaper to produce and easier to send out to all relevant audiences helping businesses get their message across”

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Communicating core values; It’s clear to see why CT chose Whale Marketing!

CT Glass, an architectural glazing company based in Bradford, have appointed Whale to drive their marketing communications forward in 2010.

CT Glass have come through the downturn by following their core values; offering a proven quality product with exceptional service and reliable delivery. The company has stood their ground and now wants to increase their customer base and raise their profile.

To start this process Whale have refreshed the CT brand and developed an informative website for their wide supplier base. Corporate literature that will make them stand out and start a positive dialogue with prospects is currently underway.

Whale has extensive glazing industry experience including working with including Pilkington Glass, IG, Brownhills, K Glass and Float Glass Industry.

Monday 1 February 2010

Whale clean up with Vileda

Whale Marketing have worked alongside Brazen PR to create an innovative “cleaning” report for Vileda...

The “Clever Cleaning Report 2010” was used by Brazen PR to inform journalists of Vileda’s forthcoming product range in a fun and quirky way.

The brief was to develop the “Clever Cleaning” trend, which promotes using your cleaning time effectively, as well as showcasing new products to be launched in 2010 in an interesting way. Whale firstly decided to create a “Clever Cleaning” sub brand which gives the campaign an identity. A magazine style page design was then created which features top cleaning tips and is printed on a glossy stock.

The pack was distributed to journalists to increasing brand coverage within relevant publications.

Monday 4 January 2010

New Year, New look for OLC Europe!

OLC Europe, a Greater Manchester College, has started the new year with a brand new look.

We all know the importance of a having a brand that conveys your ethos, structure, heritage and vision.

With a rich heritage and a strong ethos of growing through learning, it was important that when rebranding OLC we took their culture and beliefs into consideration.

We also had existing brands to deal with which represented the two main subject areas within the college. We therefore created the Organisational Leaning Centre umbrella brand under which OLC Europe and eettec the two faculties now sit. Through establishing the umbrella brand, the Organisational Learning Centre now has a strong identity as a Greater Manchester College which reflects the company’s roots in engineering and business management. The added benefit is the ability to add faculties to the college in the future without any disruption to their overall company identity. Whale Marketing have created the new OLC website which is to launch later on this month. The team are also developing the college course prospectus as well as leading their PR campaign.