Wednesday 17 March 2010

The benefits of E-Zines

“The recession has changed the way people and businesses buy for example searching on line, determined to find the optimum price,” said Hannah Whale, Whale’s Managing Director. “Now the economy is picking up companies need to adapt to this new way of consumer behaviour in order to survive.”

“Whatever the chosen marketing method, it has to be integrated,” continued Hannah, “A great solution to revamping old and new literature is the e brochure. Literature printed before the recession can be amended and created into a digital online “magazine” at a relatively low cost.”

Whale Marketing have recently recreated a portfolio of Peel Holdings property brochures (also created by Whale) into E-brochures.

Cost is not the only benefit of this tactic,” continued Hannah. “If the brochures are uploaded onto your website, it has a positive impact on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as is seen as additional content by the likes of Google, MSN and BING, all directing targeted traffic to your site. Return on Investment can also be monitored through Google Analytics. The “green” benefits should also not be overlooked. E-zines often have a wider distribution because they are cheaper to produce and easier to send out to all relevant audiences helping businesses get their message across”

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