Thursday 18 March 2010

Intergen move forward

Intergen CIC is an intergenerational partnership which brings younger and older people together. Intergen CIC volunteers spend time working with children in schools within their local area.

The charity was initially established in Trafford, Manchester, however they have recently secured four more regions to run the programme. The vision is to establish Intergen CIC across the UK and bring old and young people together in communities up and down the country.

In order to do this, Intergen CIC needed to formalise their standards, their “housekeeping” so that the brand is communicated effectively. The brief to Whale was a “Starter Pack” to give newly recruited Intergen CIC Coordinators everything they need to establish Intergen in their area. We worked closely with the charities founder, Professor Norma Raynes, to create all the items, documents and procedures that the Coordinator would need.

Whale then set off writing the copy for the Starter Pack as well as creating a portfolio of branded tools and documents which could be used to promote Intergen CIC to Head teachers, to recruit new volunteers and to communicate the Intergen CIC brand. This included power point presentation, a leaflet titled “The Vision and a set of artwork templates for promotions leaflets, standard documents, posters, certificates etc

The end result was a coherent Pack to help Coordinators to confidently set up an Intergen CIC in their local area.

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