Wednesday 22 June 2011

How to write good PR content for Business to Business industries.

Here at the whalepod we are passionate about creating great content which will engage with B2B audiences and will inform and entice them towards our clients products/services. Although all pieces of PR tend to follow the same rules of content; there is a different focus applied to B2B than B2C PR articles.

For any B2B company knowledge & information is key. B2B decisions are made through a different thought process than B2C they work on the basis of getting to know all the keys facts to help them make a decision on whether a product/service is for them. Whereas consumers make snappier decisions on whether the offer is right or whether it is supported by their favourite celebrity.

Businesses will want proof that a product/service works before investing their time or money into it. This is an important factor to consider when writing PR as you need to think about whether you are providing the reader with all the information that they feel is relevant. You need to ensure content has substance that engages with, informs and influences your audience, but at the same time keeps both your audience and of course your clients satisfied.

You need to understand the industry and its audience. Most B2B companies are serious about what they do and will not appreciate mistakes when it comes to knowledge within their trade. Make sure you check all spelling of people’s names, places, products and technical references. Who will want to do business with someone who can’t get the basics right?

It is also important to provide comment and opinion but to make sure that it is based on fact. The last thing you need is someone commenting back that they disagree with your comment; which is something we see happening within trade press.

But also let’s not forget that just like B2C you’ve got to make it interesting. Try and think of different topics to write your PR on. It is great to showcase recent projects you have completed but why not think of other ways that you can showcase your business through interesting feature pieces on subject matters that will engage with the reader and show them that you have influence within their trade.

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