Monday 22 December 2008

Monday 15 December 2008

Friday 5 December 2008

Pot Noodle Frenzy

The Whale Pod has been hunting high and low across the Greater Manchester region for 350 POT NOODLES!!!

Don’t worry we are all well fed, the fast food favourites were part of a mail campaign we had devised for our client Image Foundry, a CGI animation studio. The noodles along with a portfolio of recent work followed an e-mail outlining “3 Easy Steps to CGI” and an image of an IF branded pot noodle, the Hot Doodle!

Prospective clients, who all received a follow up call, tucked into and enjoyed their unusual gift and provided positive feedback on the innovative portfolio of work. We’re sure they won’t be forgetting Image Foundry Studio’s for a while!

Did you know the Beef Pot Noodle is actually suitable for Vegetarians?!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Kevin Gets a Date With The Ultimate Bond Girl!

I couldn't believe my luck the other day when Brazen PR asked Whale to design the ultimate Bond Girl! As I took the brief I thought it was only fair that I take on this challenge...

Bond's ultimate lady was made up from the best parts of the past Bond Girls, she’s already been christened 008 - in recognition of her birth year (2008) and her James Bond heritage - and features Ursula Andress’s legs, Halle Berry’s boobs, Sophie Marceau’s tummy and midriff, Eva Green’s head, Britt Ekland’s bum and Maud Adams’ hands.

The image was used to promote the premier of 'Quantum of Solace’.

take a look at the links below to see its coverage:

Which Mobile?

I can never make my mind up when that time of year comes around to update my phone. There’s a million different one’s out there and each one has a trillion different features, so I never know which to get. I usually just tell the person at O2 to give me their recommendation and have done with it! Not this year! This year I’m doing some homework.

I’ve been looking on some really good gadget sites and recommend It gives good reviews on loads of different products and latest releases.

Check it out and let me know which phone you think I should go for!

Mike Frost

Online Social Networking & Gaming... A business tool?

Social networking & gaming on line is more important today for promotion as colour TV in the 60's & 70's, the next generation spend there evenings in front of a computer rather than a TV.

Online games audience has grown 16% pa, over 4 times the rate of normal internet growth. In June 2006, 28% of Britain (7.6 million) played, in December 2007, 43 million people went online to play games.

Imagine getting your product or service to these kind of numbers...

RBS F1 game below...

Kevin Whitter


This week I’m off to see Andy Bounds author of the Jelly Effect. I met Andy when he was running a local networking group 4 years ago and now he earns fees of £10k per booking and works with the likes of HSBC & Astra Zeneca, so you can definitely say he’s gone up in the world. After last catching up over a coffee (for me, herbal tea for AB now he’s oh so healthy) so it will be interesting to see him ‘perform’ for 300 people. Whale share the same views about communication as AB however as most of you know we definitely don’t charge the same daily rate! Bargain indeed...

Kirsty Forman


This week I’ve been busy practicing my Spanish, mainly by ordering copious amounts of sangria from La Tasca! Check out their yummy menu on I’d definitely recommend the Patatas Bravas con Queso!

Also considering taking my next dive exam but unsure if I could cope with the freezing UK winter climate! What do you think? Let me know by emailing

I also found out the final amount raised at this year’s Relay for Life, the event I held over the summer for Cancer Research UK…. £20,000 plus!!! Well done team!

Laura Gilberts

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Welcome to the pod blog!

Working at Whale has its moments, some educational, some quirky and some downright hilarious.... and we'd like to share them with you. Each week a member of the team will be providing an insight into our world!

Did you know that a blog can give you a higher ranking in Google? If you'd like to know how then drop us a line and if you'd like us to help you create a blog, then why not give us a call.

Here's an example of one of my favorites, with news and views on the latest marketing technology and innovative campaigns.

We'd love to hear what you think, so please share your thoughts, ideas and enthusiam... who knows what we could achieve...